Generic Structure Of Parious Texts
Pengertian Generic Structure
Generic structure adalah pola atau alur yang disisipkan dalam tahapan pemetaan gagasan sebuah teks. Singkatnya, generic structure ini dibutuhkan untuk membuat pola kalimat yang disajikan dalam sub bagian. Generic structure disusun dengan tujuan agar sebuah teks dapat meraih tujuannya.
Setiap teks memiliki generic structure yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh, generic structure yang terdapat dalam narrative text berbeda dengan generic structure dalam report text. Generic structure of narrative teks, yaitu orientation, complication, resolution, and reorientation. Sedangkan generic structure dalam report text, yaitu title, generic classification, dan description.
Istilah Generic Structure
Generic structure memiliki berbagai istilah yang juga bisa disebut sebagai judul/gagasan per sub bagiannya. Apa saja istilah dalam generic structure? Lihat penjelasan di bawah ini!
Orientation ini bisa disebut juga sebagai pendahuluan atau struktur awal dalam text. Bagian pendahuluan akan memberikan gambaran pada pembaca mengenai teks apa yang ada di dalamnya. Orientasi ini menjadi awal mula dari sebuah cerita.
Event adalah peristiwa yang diangkat dalam sebuah teks.
General Classification
General classification atau klasifikasi umum berisi tentang tema atau pembahasan umum dalam peristiwa yang diangkat.
Description ini akan menjelaskan dan melengkapi penjelasan dari general classification. Bagian deskripsi ini diharapkan bisa membuat pembaca lebih paham dengan penjabaran penulis.
General Statement
General statement adalah pendapat secara umum, biasanya bagian ini ditulis oleh penulis. Jadi, pada bagian ini penulis akan menjelaskan mengenai pendapatnya secara umum tentang tema/tulisan yang ia angkat.
Conclusion atau konklusi bisa disebut juga sebagai simpulan. Bagian ini merupakan bagian penutup dari teks yang disajikan.
Istilah-istilah lain yang mungkin muncul dalam generic structure adalah abstract, argument, elaboration, explanation, incident, interpretation, Issue, dan reorientation.
Contoh Generic Structure of Narrative Text
Generic structure of narrative text adalah struktur utama yang membangun teks narrative menjadi teks yang baik dan bisa diterima. Secara spesifik, naratif teks biasanya terdiri dari alur, plot, tema, seting, sudut pandang, dll.
Sedangkan secara generic, teks naratif memiliki beberapa struktur yang diperlukan untuk menyusunnya. Sebelum membahas mengenai contoh generic structure dalam narrative teks, kamu perlu mengetahui terlebih dahulu struktur umum yang membangun teks tersebut. Simak penjabaran berikut!
- Orientation: Bagian pembuka dalam narrative text. Pada bagian ini, penulis akan mengenalkan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat.
- Complication: Bagian ini terdiri dari paragraf yang menyatakan permasalahan awal dalam alur yang akan berlanjut pada konflik, klimaks, dan antiklimaks.
- Resolution: Resolution digunakan sebagai bagian akhir cerita, semua permasalahan dalam narrative teks harus ditutup. Penulis menentukan akhir cerita happy atau sad ending.
- Reorientation: Reorientation biasanya berisi mengenai penutup dan menceritakan keadaan tokoh pada akhir cerita. Tak lupa bagian ini juga biasanya akan menyelipkan pesan moral.
Contoh Generic Structure Dalam Sebuah Cerita
One day her father would go to sell his salted fish to the other side, this was both good news and sad news. Happy that her father will come home with some books, and sad that she has to be home alone. Day after day had passed, Birna was looking forward to her father’s return together with used books from the bookstore that he had promised. But her father never came home.
It’s been a month since her father left for business, Birna has not heard from her father. Month after month, but her father still hasn’t come home. Birna had to live her days without her father.
Then suddenly a miracle came, there was news that her father was still alive and would return soon. Her father turned out to have an accident. He was helped by a kind woman named Pristanti.
This incident also brought Birna and Pristanti together, Pristanti was surprised that in a place far from the crowds there was a lamp as bright and smart as Birna.
Pristanti changed many things In Birna’s life, Pristanti regularly sent books to Birna. Birna also learned many things from Pristanti. Slowly they both made a small school specifically for children and parents who want to learn to read.
Destiny and the way of life always run as long as humans live. Destiny brought Pristanti and Birna together to give each other kindness and share knowledge and thoughts.
Structure :
Orientation : One day on a pier at Mandeh Beach, there lived a beautiful girl named Birna. She lives with her father who is a fish trader. The pier was not too crowded, the residents who lived around it were only tens of people. In such a lonely and quiet place Birna never feels lonely, isn’t it magical? She was always passionate about teaching a small number of children to read and write. Her world lived even in a deserted place that was near death. Complication : One day her father would go to sell his salted fish to the other side, this was both good news and sad news. Happy that her father will come home with some books, and sad that she has to be home alone. Day after day had passed, Birna was looking forward to her father’s return together with used books from the bookstore that he had promised. But her father never came home. It’s been a month since her father left for business, Birna has not heard from her father. Month after month, but her father still hasn’t come home. Birna had to live her days without her father. Then suddenly a miracle came, there was news that her father was still alive and would return soon. Her father turned out to have an accident. He was helped by a kind woman named Pristanti. This incident also brought Birna and Pristanti together, Pristanti was surprised that in a place far from the crowds there was a lamp as bright and smart as Birna. Resolution : Pristanti changed many things In Birna’s life, Pristanti regularly sent books to Birna. Birna also learned many things from Pristanti. Slowly they both made a small school specifically for children and parents who want to learn to read. Reorientation : Destiny and the way of life always run as long as humans live. Destiny brought Pristanti and Birna together to give each other kindness and share knowledge and thoughts |
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